
VOXRATEWATI.Com. By Wara Cypriano

English Summary

Meeting 1


Subject            : English

Grade              : 11 Science Program 

Semester        : 3 (three)    

Topic              : Expressions of Asking and Giving  Opinion 

Academic year of 2021/2021

Date                : 3 August 2021

A.     Kompetensi Dasar  (Basic Competences)


KD 3.1 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait pendapat dan pikiran, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan I think, I suppose, in my opinion)


KD 4.1 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional, lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait pendapat dan pikiran, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

B.     Tujuan Pembelajaran (Learning Objectives)


Dalam kegiatan pembelajaran kali ini, siswa diharapkan mampu untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran berikut ini:


1.      Siswa mampu menjelaskan fungsi sosial, struktur teks serta unsur kebahasaan dari ungkapan asking and giving opinion dalam berbagai situasi.

2.      Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan asking and giving opinion dalam kalimat dan dialog sederhana dengan menggunakan ungkapan asking and giving opinion dalam berbagai situasi.

3.      Siswa mampu menyusun kalimat atau dialog sederhana dengan menggunakan unsur kebahasaan asking and giving opinion secara lisan dengan pengucapan, intonasi serta makna sesuai konteks pembicaraan.













C.     Ringkasan Materi pembelajaran (Learning materials)



  Topics materials: Expressions: Asking and giving opinion,

                                 Agree and disagree



1.      Expressing asking and giving opinion (ungkapan meminta dan memberikan pendapat)


Ungkapan meminta dan memberikan pendapat (asking and giving opinion) merupakan ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menanyakan, menjawab atau merespon suatu pendapat. Ketika kita menyatakan pendapat maka ada dua kemungkinan bahwa pendapat kita diterima atau ditolak. Maka ungkapan lain yang harus kita gunakan adalah ungkapan yang menyatakan setuju dan tidak setuju (expressions agree and disagree)


a.            Expression of asking opinion (ungkapan meminta pendapat)


Asking for an opinion is a sentence is a sentence which asking an opinion or argument to other people to satisfaction.


§  Formal:

·        Do you have any idea?

·        Do you have any opinion on…?

·        Have you got any comments on…?

·        What is your opinion about…?

·        What are you feeling about?

§  Informal

·        What do you think of…?

·        What do you think about…?

·        What is your idea or opinion…?

·        How do you like?


b.   Expressions of giving an opinion

§  Formal

·        I personally believe…

·        I personally consider…

·        I personally think/feel…

·        I assume/guess that…

§  Informal

·        I think it’s a good/nice/great idea

·        I think that…

·        In my opinion…

·        In my case…

·        In my mind…

·        I believe…

·        If you ask to me, I feel…



2.      Expression agree and disagree/Agreeing and disagreeing (Ungkapan menyatakan setuju dan tidak setuju)

Expressions agree/agreement is an expression to express that we receive someone’s opinion or purposes. Meanwhile disagreement is an expression to show that we do not receive the opinion or purpose of someone.




a.         Asking for agreement

·       Don’t you think…?

·       Don’t you agree that…?

·       Do you agree if…?

b.         Expressing agreement

·       I agree with you 100 percent

·       That’s so true

·       You are absolutely right

·       I absolutely agree with you

·       That’s exactly how I feel

·       Exactly

·       Absolutely

·       No doubt about it


c.       Expressing disagreement

·        I don’t think so

·        I’m afraid I disagree

·        I had to say the exact opposite

·        That’s not always true

·        No, I’m not sure about that

d. Interruption

·        Can I add something here?

·        May I add something?

·        Sorry to interrupt, but…























D.    Latihan  (exercises)


Identify the following expression and give a tick (V) at the correct column.

Number one has been one for you!



Asking opinion

Giving opinion

Agreeing opinion

Disagreeing opinion


Avoiding opinion

The way I see it, we should not stop until we reach the goal.








You are absolutely right







I am not sure about that







To my mind, I wouldn’t do it better







I really don’t know what to say







My ideas is better than yours







I’m not in the position of giving an opinion







What do think of my car?







I’ve never met such an idiot







How do you feel about the house?







That’s just what I was thinking







You are wrong. I am right



















Source: Pathway to English Kelas XI SMA/MA Kelompok Wajib Kurikulum 2013.


















English Quiz 10 August 2021


1.      Give your personal opinion to the statements or questions below!

2.      Give your personal opinion not from your friends’ opinion or just copy paste the answer from Google!

3.      Take the video when you answer the questions or giving your opinion to the statements!

4.      Duration of your video should 3 minutes to answer 5 question or statements!

5.      Upload your video to your you tube account by setting not public (bukan publik)

6.      Copy your video link and paste on your answer sheet on Google form!


1.      What do you think of school bullying? (you get bullying at school) (give your opinion in 3 sentences)

2.      What is your opinion about cheating during the test? (give your opinion in 3 sentences)

3.      Would you give me your opinion about obeying traffic rules? (give your opinion in 3 sentences)

4.      Give your opinion the use of learning application such as Google Classroom and Edmodo? Is there any application is hard to use? (give your opinion in 3 sentences)

5.      Do you agree that smoking should be banned in this country? (give your opinion in 3 sentences)


      (jawab pertanyaan ini dibuat dalam bentuk rekaman video dan tempelkan link video di kolom jawaban berikut)