
Personal Letter about "Stay at home" in coronavirus outbreak

VOXRATEWATI.Com. By Wara Cypriano

Dear Chindrian Mude,

Hallo Chindrian, I think it’s fair to assume something is bothering you right now. I hope you and your family are always in a good condition. Right now, I have no idea what that may be but I need you to know everything is going to be okay. Today, everything may seem scary from the world.  

In this letter, I would like to share my feelings about our “stay at home” activities. We acknowledge that Regina Pacis Bajawa is one of best senior high school in East Nuasa Tenggara Province but as a student, during these e-learning sessions 1 and 2, I was so busy as usual. That’s why, I think our teachers feel students are without any work, so they tend to give us as much more assignments and projects to finish. Some of them even teach during breaks. I think, teachers should understand the situation and the stress on the students felt these tough times. All subjects gave their tasks for instance, English, making summary of up to date news about coronavirus outbreak, after that, push us to be a news reader in form of a video. The other one is geography, making an instruction to avoid the coronavirus outbreak and post it via face book account and many more. Moreover, all tasks should be sent via email, whatsap, Google classroom applications. 

If we remind them of these, we get scolded. But all of these, the most important is even after the National Minister of Education, Nadiem Makarim instructed that the students and teachers should learn from home. Therefore, I realize that, there’s no way to avoid our responsibility as a student although has been stressful. So, what about you? Do you feel as like me? I got bored a day long to face my smartphone with a limited pulse and data charged. On the other hand, right now, the world is fighting against coronavirus outbreak. But we trust that our teachers and school staffs love us also and keep in touch with us. It is not a bad way to educate us but we should support it. Let’s concentrate on that, the humanity comes first. Although my head got dizzy of these, they did the best for us. Let us all pray that world is saved from this pandemic. It is our duty to obey the safety instructions issued to us by Indonesian government. So, stay safe at home, obey the healthy protocols of our government. We need to take it seriously, to end the pandemic.

That’s all dear my heart words, I am looking forward of your sharing about e-learning session activities. I can’t wait get it. 

Your classmate,

   Echan Wale

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