
Asking and giving information; cause and effect (So…that and such…that)




Class               : XII Social 2-4

Semester        : 5

Topik              : Asking and giving information; cause and effect (So…that and such…that)

Date                : 22 July 2021

A.     Kompetensi Dasar (based competences)

KD 3.1: Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait hubungan sebab akibat, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan such... that; so ... that)


4.1: Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait hubungan sebab akibat, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.


B.     Tujuan Pembelajaran (learning objectives)

1.   Siswa mampu memahami penggunaan kalimat untuk menyatakan cause and effect (hubungan sebab-akibat) so...that dan such...that.

2.   Siswa mampu membedakan penggunaan so...that and such... that dalam kalimat yang menunjukan hubungan sebab-akibat

3.   Siswa mampu menyusun kalimat sederhana yang menunjukan cause and effect yakni menggunakan so...that and such...that.


C.     Ringkasan Materi (materials)

Dalam menyusun kalimat bahasa Inggris yang baik maka harus memperhatikan tata bahasa atau grammar. Banyak orang beranggapan bahwa grammar itu tidak terlalu penting namun intinya kita bisa berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris. Anggapan ini sangat keliru karena grammar merupakan unsur kebahasaan yang perlu dikuasai secara baik sehingga apa yang dibicarakan sesuai dengan tata bahasa yang baik dan benar. Di dalam bahasa Inggris kita mengenal pengunaan kalimat yang menunjukan cause and effect atau sebab dan akibat. Dalam menyusun kalimat yang menunjukan cause and effect kita dapat menggunakan kata keterangan tingkatan atau adverb of degree. Kita bisa menyusun kalimat satu hal yang menunjukan sebab (cause) dan yang lainnya sebagai akibat (effect).


What is adverb of degree? Atau apa itu kata keterangan tingkatan?

Adverb of degree memiliki fungsi untuk menyatakan sebuah tingkatan atau derajad suatu kegiatan atau peristiwa. Adverb of degree digunakan untuk menerangkan kata yang termasuk ke dalam verb (kata kerja), adjective (kata sifat) atau adverb (kata keterangan) pada suatu kalimat. Ada 2 adverb of degree : So ...that and such that.

§  Penggunaan So...that dan such...that  digunakan ketika kita mau menunjuk sebuah fakta atau kenyataan dengan hasil atau konsekuensi.

§  Penggunaan So...that dan such...that  ketika kita mau menunjukan perasaan atau pendapat yang sangat berkesan pada suatu hal.

Secara sederhana bahawa penggunaan so...that dan such...that sama-sama digunakan untuk menunjukan sebab-akibat namun ada perbedaan yakni;

§  Setelah So diikuti kata sisfat (adjective) sedangkan Setelah such diikuti kata benda (noun)

Dalam menyusun kalimat yang menunjukan hubungan sebab-akibat kita menemukan 2 klausa (clause) What is clause? Clause is a group of words that include a subject and a verb. Maka dalam kalimat yang menyatakan sebab-akibat kita menemukan 2 klausa yakni main clause and subordinate clause atau ada induk kalimat dan anak kalimat.


1.      So...that ( so +adjective/adverb+that)

So diikuti dengan adjective (kata sifat)

That diikuti dengan effect clause  (klausa efek/dampak)



a.      Ivan Gunawan is so professional that he is able to open his own studio

       Main clause                                         Subordinate clause

(So professional sebagai cause) dan (that he is able to open his own studio sebagai effect)

b.      Painting is so interesting that I cannot pass the day without painting (so interesting sebagai cause dan that I cannot pass the day without painting sebagai effect)

c.       She is so beautiful that I can’t love the other girl. (so beautiful sebagai cause dan that I can’t love the other girl sebagai effect)


2.      Such... that (such + noun+that)

Such diikuti dengan noun or noun phrase (frase kata benda) yaitu adjective and noun

That diikuti dengan effect clause (klausa efek/dampak)


a.      Ivan Gunawan is such a talented designer that he influence women to wear his dresses.

                               Main clause                                                 subordinate clause

                Ivan Gunawan is such a talented designer sebagai sebab (cause) sedangkan that he influence women to wear his dresses sebagai akibat (effect)

b.      He is Such a big man that he has to buy customized T-shirt



D.     Latihan kalimat (exercises)

1.      Coffe is so hot that I can’t drink it (so...that)

2.      It was so windy that my father did not go fishing yesterday (so...that)

3.      I spend so much money that I can’t save any (so...that)

4.      Doggy is such a nice dog that he never barks. (such...that)

5.      It’s such a great movie that I have watched it several times (such...that)

6.      He is such a charming boy that everybody stares at him (such...that)

7.      Hawaii has . . ... amazing beaches ... everyone wants to live there

8.      My back aches . . . badly  ..... I can’t lift anything anymore.

9.      I am . . . ..bored ... that I just want to sleep

10.  Those are . . ... great pictures......I never want to throw them away.



E.     Teks bacaan (reading text)

Read the text and translate into Indonesia.


Jakarta’s Creative Industries

I read such an interesting article about the ‘beauty and diversity’ of Jakarta’s museums in The Jakarta Post Magazine’s The Museum Week edition. For that reason, I was incline to share my personal experience of Jakarta’s art and creative scene. I think that Jakarta’s is so slim that a proposal to UNESCO excluded Jakarta from its list of creative cities.

According to the proposal, Bandung, Pekalongan, Surakarta, and Yogyakarta are on the list of creative cities. What did I learn from the absence of Jakarta? It is easear to find malls, blocbuster Hollywood movies, and traffict jams in Jakarta than inspiring spaces, like musical, concerts, animation film festivals, and batik fashion shows.

A friend advised me to visit Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. I was so surprised that I could not speak a word. I enjoyed the textile and puppet museums. I also caught indonesian movies. I was so impressed that I plan to buy more books about this country. I think Indonesia is such a potential country that creative industries develop well.

I also see that Jakarta also offers cultural celebrations to enjoy, but they all emphasize Betawi culture. Jakarta is a place where people from Aceh to papua go. These people surely bring their cultures and traditions to metropolitan Jakarta. These diverse cultures can promote creative industries in Jakarta with the support of the government and investors.

I am sure that encouragement and funding is required to empower the citizens of Jakarta to reap economic benefits from creative industries directly and transparently. The melting pot of creativity in Jakarta has the potential to help not only the lives of Jakartans, but also the economy of Indonesia as a whole.  (bentley, 2013) Pathway to English untuk SMA/MA kelas XII page 7-9

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