
English for Animal Husbandry Study Program

VOXRATEWATI.Com. By Wara Cypriano







AGRICULTURAL PLANTANTION COLLEGE OF FLORES BAJAWA is a higher education in agricultural plantation in Ngada Regency of East Nusa Tenggara Province is committed to improve the agricultural resources as the local and global agricultural community




A.    Learning objectives:

1. The students are able to comprehend the livestock issues in East Nusa Tenggara

2.   The students are able to know the role of Livestock’s for economic growth  

3.      The students are able to classify the kind  of livestock


·    Animal husbandry is a branch of agriculture concerned with the care and management of livestock. Animal husbandry deals with the feeding, breeding, housing and health care of livestock for getting maximum benefits. 

·         The words associates with animal husbandry;

Farming, rancing, animal culture, animal raising, animal rearing, livestock farming, pasturage, stock raising. Livestock refers to domesticated animals.

Dairy animals such as cows, buffaloes, sheep, goat, etc.


C.    Reading comprehension

 Reading Text (Read the text carefully)

More than a meal

          We rely on animals for a number of products. Some are more obvious than others. Animals’ milk and meat provide us with protein. We make clothing and furniture with wool and leather. In addition, there is a long list of animal by-products.  We use them every day, but we don’t always know it.

We render fat or tallow into tires, soaps, and candles. Marshmallows buttons and tape include bones and hooves. Wool is often used in carpet even baseballs use animal products.

Animal by-products are found in unexpected places. Thanks to rendering very little goes to waste. Meat is just one of many products that we take from animals

A.  Read the sentences in pairs. Choose where the words best fit the blanks.

1.      1.Wool/Milk

a.       ___________ is an important food source.

b.      Many clothes are made of ________________

2.     2. Protein/Leather

a.       _______________ is often used to cover furniture.

b.      Plant products and meat contain____________

3.      3. Meat/by-products

a.       Human have always used animals for ________________

b.      ___________ are used in many common products.

4.      4. What is the article mainly about?

5.      5. What is true of rendering?

B.  Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.

1.     Too much oily substance from plants and animals is unhealthy. _ _ _

2.     Hard materials that give a body structure are a by-product._ o _ _s

3.     The hard feet of animals are used to make tape. h _ _ v _ _

4.     Soap is made by melting animal fat. r _ _ _ _ _ing

5.     Fat that is used to make candles is also used in soap.  _ a _ _ ow

       Source: Sullivan, O.N and James D. Libbin. 2011 Career Path Agriculture. Greenham Bussiness Park Newbury. Express Publishing. Page 7-8


C.      Read the text and answer the questions that follow!

Proper Animal Housing Methods

Here are some tips for how to properly house animals. I will use my hog barn      as an example. The ideas apply to coops and pens as well. Animals with proper housing are in their comfort zones. They are healthier and more productive than animals with poor housing.

First, make sure the enclosure matches the space requirements of the animal. You also need to know the animals’ critical temperatures.   Install automated heating and cooling to prevent heat stress and cold stress. Don’t forget to have a good waste management system. Slotted floors provide a simple way to keep your animals’ living space clean.

Read the sentences in pairs. Choose where the words best fit the blanks.

1.      Coop/cold stress

a.       The chickens live in a separate

b.      Install a heater to prevent


2.      Heat stress/pen

a.       During the summer__________ is a problem

b.      Pigs do best if they are kept in their own____________

3.      Slotted floor/waste management

a.       ________________ is essential for door control

b.      ________________ helps air circulation


D.     Match the words (1-4) with the definitions (A-D)

1.  ______barn

2. ______comfort zone

3. ______critical temperature

4. ______space requirement

A.   Conditions under which an animal is comfortable

B.    A structure used to house animals

C.    The amount of space that an animal needs

D.   A temperature that must be maintained

E.  Vocabulary used      

1.       Animal nutritionist is a person who prepares healthy foods for animals

2.      Barn is a building where farm animals live

3.      Bone is the hard, white materials that give the body structure

4.      Breeding is the act of mating plants or animals to produce offspring

5.      Breeding value is the value of an individual animal as a parent in terms of producing a specially desire result.

6.      By-product is a leftover part of an animal that has been slaughtered

7.      Butcher is to kill animals and to prepare the meat to be eaten

8.      Cold stress is when cold temperatures have a negative impact of an animals or plant

9.      Coop is a special building where chickens or other small animals live

10.  Heat stress is when hot temperatures have a negative impact on animals or plants

11.     Hooves are the hard feet of an animal

12.   Rendering: animal fat is to melt it for use in a product

13.   Slaughter is to kill animals for food or manufacture


A.      Learning Objectives

1.        The students are able to comprehend the English terms of animals breeding

2.       The students are able to give opinion about the livestock potencies in Indonesia and East Nusa Tenggara Province

3.       The students are able to present the current issues of livestock policy in East Nusa Tenggara Province and Ngada Regenc


Text 1 The Classical Swine Fever Problem in East Nusa Tenggara and its Controlling

One of the main causes of pig production and reproductive failure in Indonesia especially in East Nusa Tenggara is infectious and non-infectious diseases. One of the viral diseases that can attack pigs is Hog Cholera or Classical Swine Fever (CSF). Hog cholera or Classical Swine Fever (CSF), is an infectious viral disease caused by the hog cholera/ CSF virus. The CSF disease is still a problem in the livestock industry in East Nusa Tenggara and has the potential to have a negative impact on socio-economy, causing high animal mortality and causing public unrest. This disease can occur acutely, sub-acute, and chronic accompanied by high morbidity and mortality 95-100%.

Classical Swine Fever disease in East Nusa Tenggara was first reported in 1996 -97 on Timor Island and until 2017 most of the islands of East Nusa Tenggara province were already infected with CSF[1]. This indicates that the spread of CSF virus is very high and can also be associated with surveillance of inter-island livestock crossing. In 2011 the CSF outbreak occurred in Lembata district which killed about 696 pigs [2]. The latest report in mid-2017, the outbreak of CSF attacked pigs in East Nusa Tenggara, especially on the Flores island. The number of livestock that died at the outbreak reaches about 10,000 pigs with an estimated economic loss of Rp 25 billion [3]. The occurrence of CSF outbreaks can be influenced by the sanitation factor of the cage and also the farmer’s awareness of the importance of vaccination. Considering traditional maintenance practices can create poor farming biosecurity including the cleanliness of the animal dwelling environment and the livestock traffic arrangements. In addition, poor sanitation can increase the presence of mechanical vectors of CSF viruses that are insects (flies and mosquitoes) [4]as well as the remaining feed in the form of animal origin contaminated with CSF virus can also be a source of transmission.

 Vaccination factors also take an important part in the spread of CSF disease in East Nusa Tenggara[5].

In addition to the failure factor of vaccination, awareness of farmers to vaccinate the livestock is still very minimal. The low public awareness of the importance of vaccination becomes an important task for the government to become more active in socializing and recording the development of CSF and vaccination diseases, so that the incidence of CSF cases can be controlled in the future.

Taken from https://juniperpublishers.com/jdvs/JDVS.MS.ID.555688.php



1.         Barley                          : Jelai atau sejenisserealis untuk pakan hewan ternak

2.       Breed                          :Berkembang biak/membiakan

3.       Boar                            :Babi hutan

4.       Buffalo                        :Kerbau

5.       Calf                             :Anak sapi

6.       Cattle                          :Sapi

7.       Coop                           :Kandang ayam

8.       Cow                             :Sapi betina

9.       Dairy                           :Susu (hasil perasan)

10.   Egg                              :Telur

11.      Feed                            :Memberi makan

12.    Flock                           :Sekawanan, sekumpulan

13.    Feedmill                    : Pabrik Pakan

14.    Foal                             :Anak kuda

15.    Fodder                        :Makanan hewan ternak

16.    Gander                        :Angsa jantan

17.     Goose-Geese               :Angsa

18.     Goat                            :Kambing

19.    Hatchery                     :Tempat penetasan

20.  Hen                             :Ayam betina

21.  Herd                            :Gembala

22.  Honey                         : Lebah

23.  Honeybee                    : Lebah madu

24.  Hive                            : Sarang lebah

25.  Horse                           : Kuda

26.  Incubator                     : Mesin penetas/pengeram

27.  Jack                             : Keledai jantan

28.  Jenny                           : Keledai betina

29.  Lamb                           : Domba

30.  Livestock                    : Hewan ternak

31.  Mare                            : Kuda betina

32.  Meadow                      : Padang rumput

33.  Milk                             : Susu

34.  Mower                         : Mesin pemotong rumput

35.  Nature                         : Alam

36.  Ox                               : Lembu/sapi

37.  Pasture                       : Padang rumput/mengembalakan

38.  Pig                               : Babi

39.  Piglet                           : Anak babi

40.  Poultry                                    : Unggas

41.  Rabbit                         : Kelinci

42.  Ranch                          : Peternakan

43.  Rooster                        : Ayam jantan

44.  Shear                           : Mencukur bulu hewan

45.  Sheep                          : Domba

46.  Shepherd                     : Gembala/mengembala

47.  Stable                          : Kandang kuda

48.  Stallion                        : Kuda jantan

49.  Steer                            : Lembu atau sapi jantan muda

50.  Swine                          : Babi

51.  Turkey                         : Kalkun

52.  Udder                          : Ambing atau putting hewan ternak yang mengeluarkan susu

53.  Yak                             : Sapi atau lembu berbulu lebat          



A.    Learning objectives (Tujuan pembelajaran)

1.  Students are able to classify kinds of application letter

2. Students are able to comprehend to apply the application letter

3. Students are able to write the application letter in various purposes

B.  Job Vacancy ( Lowongan Pekerjaan)

Job Vacancy

Posting #09500

Animal Nutritionist

Date posted: January 25 2021

Employer: Hillford Poultry Farm

Location: Trikora- Bajawa East Nusa Tenggara

Job description: Prepare feed formula for fifteen varieties of chicken. Research and select low-cast ingredients with high nutrient content. Balance carbohydrate, fat, protein, vitamins, and mineral, content in daily rations. Adjust feed formula as needed.

Job qualifications: Masters’ Degree or higher in animal nutrition. Minimum of two years’ experience, preferably on a poultry farm.

Salary: Based on experience, generous benefit package available.

Contact information: Brian Walker (610) 555.5905. bwalker@hillford.com 

Adapted from: Sullivan, O.N and James D. Libbin. 2011 Career Path Agriculture. Greenham Bussiness Park Newbury. Express Publ


C.     Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A-E)

1.        _______nutrient

2.       _______feed

3.       _______poultry

4.       _______animal nutritionist

5.    _____Vitamin

A.     An organic substance found in food that is essential for good health

B.      Food given to animals

C.      A person who makes healthy food for animals

D.     Any organic or inorganic substance that provides nourishment

E.      Domesticated birds such as chickens and turkeys

D.      Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part

1.      John increased the daily amount of food.  r _ _ _ _n

2.       Inorganic substances like potassium are essential for good health _i _ _ ra _ _

3.     Besides sleep and shelter, the process of nourishing and organism  is the most important thing that every organism needs. _u_r_t_ _ _

4.    Animals need a sufficient amount of substance used to make energy  in their diet. Ca_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

E.  Definition of Job Application Letter  (Surat lamaran)

  Application letter is a document you submit to a potential employer to express your interest in an open   position. The Job application explains who you are as professional and individual.

   There are two types of application letter, they are speculative and cover letter

1.      Speculative letter (surat spekulasi)

It is a letter is sent a part of a speculative application together with a resume. It should sound positive and enthusiastic.

§   The kind of work you’re looking for (pekerjaan yang dilamar)

§   The reason why you want to work for that company in particular (alasan)

§   The reason why you are suitable (apa kelebihan yang dimiliki)

§   The relevant skills, experience, and personal qualities in your enclosed resume (keterampilan, pengalaman dan kualitas diri yang dimiliki)

2. Cover letter (Surat lamaran sesuai lowongan yang diminta)

§   It is a letter usually companies an application form or resume for a job vacancy advertised (format surat lamaran yang digunakan untuk sebuah lowongan pekerjaan yang diiklankan)

§   The kind of worked advertised ( jenis pekerjaan/lowongan yang diiklankan)

§   The reason why you are applying on it (alasan mengapa anda lamar)

§   The reason why the job interests you (alasan mengapa anda tertarik untuk melamar lowongan tersebut)

§   The reason why you want to work for that company (alasan mengapa anda ingin bekerja di lembaga tersebut)

§   The reason why you are suitable, your relevant skills, experiences, personal qualities (keterampilan, pengalaman dan kualitas diri yang dimiliki)

 Source: Pathway to English for SMA/MA Grade XII Kelompok Wajib.Erlangga

F.     The way on how to write an application letter (langkah-langka penulisan)

1.    Review information about the company and position (mengulas informasi dari perusahan dan lowongan yang dibutuhkan)

2. Use a professional format (gunakan format resmi)

3. Create heading (kop surat lamaran)

4.  Address the letter to the hiring manager (alamat surat)

5.  Open the letter by describing your interest (Mendeskripsikan ketertarikan pada lowongan yang dilamar)

6.  Outline your experience and qualifications (Memberikan informasi pengalaman dan keahlian yang dimiliki)

7.Include aspects of your personality (informasikan hal menonjol dari kepribadian yang dimiliki)

8.    Express appreciations (Ucapan terima kasih/apresiasi)

9.     Close the letter (penutup surat)

G.      Example of Job application letter template

             Outline (kerangka)

Your name (nama anda)

Your address (alamat anda/alamat surat)

Your email address (alamat surat elektronik/surel)

Your phone number (nomor telepon)

Date (tanggal surat)

Name of hiring manager or supervisor (Nama pimpinan pada lembaga yang akan dilamar)

Title of hiring manager or supervisor (gelar pimpinan)

Company name (nama lembaga/institusi)

Company address (alamat institusi)

H. The parts of application letter:

1.   Greeting

Every application letter needs a greeting. How you can open your letter indicates not only your level of professionalism but also how much your effort you put into researching the company or position.

Dear MS. Dear Mr.

Dear Senior Account Executive Hiring Manager

2.      Opening

The first paragraph of your application letter should be just a few lines that tell the hiring manager why you are writing, highlight, an accomplishment and show your enthusiasm for the position.

3.       Body

The main point of your applying to a position or job

4.      Closing

Your final paragraph should summarize your skills (in one line) and focus on the next step.

Source: Pathway to English for SMA/MA Grade XII Kelompok Wajib.Erlangga

Example (contoh)

        Salutation [Dear Mr./Ms.]

-    Outline where you saw the job vacancy

-    Discuss some of your qualifications that would make you a good fit for the job

-    Describe your past experience in way that emphasizes your personality and skills.

-    Express your appreciation to the hiring manager for reviewing your letter, include any follow-up information, if applicable.

Closing [Sincerely, Best]

Your signature

Your name

I.Example of Application Letter

January, 27 2021

Ms. Meichan Pricilia

STIPER-FB Director

YASUKDA Foundation

Tanalodu, Bajawa East Nusa Tenggara Indonesia

Dear Ms. Director

Your announcement in the November, 26th 2020 issue of the Flores Post newspaper for an secretary of STIPER-FB Language Center who is proficient in communication English skills, computer literate, and with pleasing personality. I sincerely believe that I meet your requirements for the position.

I am Ose Kadju Kuku, a Magister of Agriculture, major in Horticulture at Gajah Mada university of Yogyakarta this November, 20 2020 as a cum laude.

I consider as my assets; I had certificate of proficiency. In other hand, my proficiency in both written and spoken English, my computer skills, and my leadership skills, which were horned in my capacity as the editor in chief of my faculty publications. I am hardworking, efficient, and highly driven, and I am willing to undergo training to further improve my capabilities.

First your perusal and evaluation, I have enclosed my resume which includes my special skills, training and accomplishment and awards as a student, and a photocopy of my official transcript of records for your evaluation of records for your evaluation. Should you wish to ask about my personal traits and capabilities I have also included a list of references are needed.

I am very much willing to come over for a personal interview with you anytime during office hours.


     Ose Kadju Kuku

Relevant sources and Links

Sudarwati M. Th and Eudia Grace. 2014 Pathway to English for SMA/MA Grade XII  Kurikulum 2013 Kelompok Wajib. Erlangga

Sullivan, O.N and James D. Libbin. 2011 Career Path Agriculture. Greenham Bussiness Park Newbury. Express Publishing.

The Classical Swine Fever Problem in East Nusa Tenggara and its Controlling available at  https://juniperpublishers.com/jdvs/JDVS.MS.ID.555688.php  retrieved on 20th October 2021




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